Online exam Application service in dubai

The Online Examination System Conduct paperless, timer-based online exams for aspiring candidates and students. The tool is especially helpful to the institutes, recruiters, certification agencies, teachers, etc.

The exams are conducted by all organizations to assess the suitability of the applicants. The candidates could be students and working professionals. This helps to evaluate the suitability of the prospects for the applied position.

Online examinations are far more cost-effective compared to traditional pen-paper exams. These help in objectively assessing the eligibility of the candidates for the profile or vacancy applied for. Online tests could be conducted easily even for the students situated in remote areas. As one need not physically visit an exam center for the same. Timer-based online exams ensure fair play for all, as all examiners are given the same amount of time to complete the test.

The system issues online admission cards to successful applicants. Alert is also sounded to students 10 minutes before the expiry of test time. Password-based access is provided to individual answer sheets.


The system provides complete life cycle management related to online examinations. Examiners can compose, select, and upload questions on the website or system interface itself. The intuitive graphical interface provides ease of use to the examiners and examiners.

Online Examination System

The system automatically calculates marks secured by the student and generates a report. It allows for the creation of question banks, management of results, and printing of the same. The applicants can submit fees for the exam through a secured payment gateway and also upload documents. Certificates with unique numbers ensure that there is no duplicity.

Exam results are stored in a database that can be accessed as and when needed. The online exam system is much efficient, cost-effective, environment-friendly, and user friendly too. Contact Us Immediately!! For this Services

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