college-management-system-service in Dubai
    • We can provide CMS Software services. We located in Dubai. But our service comes worldwide. The College Management System is an enterprise resource planning software. That comes with hybrid technology. This technology is a featured solution manage CMS process. In addition, College Management System(CMS) consists of multiple modules. That take care of various departments in the institution. Also, that build on cutting-edge technology. In conclusion, It’s show the complete student life-cycle.

      • Campus Setup
      • Program Management
      • Admission Management
      • Course Management
      • Academic Registration
      • Time Table Management
      • Front Desk Management
      • Exam Management
      • Fee Management
      • HR Management

      What is college management system?

      The Importance of Library Management.

      CMS(College management system) in Dubai

      The CMS simplify, centralizes, and organizes the management system. In addition, it has a single database system. That consists with integration of departments. In addition, makes the information flow. The CMS allow monitor and Control by the staffs. The CMS allow monitor and Control by the staffs. Same way by higher- level petitioners. In addition, CMS assist in record management. It’s by using 24*7 access data from database.

      • Apt Workflow

      It’s by departmental connection with a single database. So the staff members can exchange information in real-time. It reduces the delay in work. The Automation of these processes. It’s leads to efficient management. This CMS software helps students to view updates. Same way to the faculty members as well. Possible to manage timetable and calendar. Same way schedule lectures. In addition, allows the staffs to keep a track of all processes.

      • Excellent Control

      The record management in higher education is a complex process. Since it has multiple courses, programs, and thousands of students. It’s challenging to keep every single piece of information. The college management system makes it smooth. And simplify managing endless records. It’s by cutting-edge technology and diverse reporting. In addition to flexible setting. Anyone in the higher power such as registrar, dean, or director. They can track the admin process at any time. In addition, they can access detailed report.

      • Agile Decision Making

      The College admins go through endless documents daily.

      The management need to check files manually. That is time-consuming. The CMS help to collate and analyze documents in less time. Therefor, Faster decisions lead to faster actions.

      The college management system offers an efficient campus management. In addition, addressing every single requirement of the institute.

      Just take free demo and talk to our expert. Same way check out what is the latest features. That can add in your ERP.

      Core Modules of College Management Software

      1. Admission & Marketing Management

      The marketing choices of a college management system software. That by the inquiry module. And it acts as a simple CRM. It’s for collecting and managing admission inquiries. In addition, this CRM is further linked to applicant registration. Similarly, linked to admission modules. Inside CEM the entire admission life cycle of the students saved. These data’s saved in a single database.

      Admission & Marketing Management
      2. Fees management

      This option helps to simplify fee collection on the campus. In addition, provide meaningful reports and timely alerts to parents. The alert is sent to parents. It’s something regarding the upcoming fee collections. In same way, the parents provided with another option. That is to pay the fee in direct. They get notified when payment date reach. After that, they can pay from their mobile phones. In Conclusion, no need to visit the campus.

      Fees management service in Dubai
      3. Attendance management

      It’s one of the most used option of a college management system software. It is the attendance management module. Which is used to record the subject-wise or daily-attendance of a student. Therefor, teachers can view recorded data in their laptop. Similarly, by the mobile app. For instance, the alerts sent automatically to parents. There are in addition RFID. And biometric hardware integration available. It’s to minimize the manual intervention. That required in attendance taking.

      Attendance management service in Dubai

      Modules related to teachers & Students

      4. Parent-teacher & teacher-student communication management

      The different modules available in college management software. That can help in improving the efficiency. Similarly, the effect of parent-teacher and student-teacher speak. The mobile app available with the software. It helps to make sure that all the speaking information received. In addition, make sure that acknowledged by students and parents. This is possible through the alert. And that available in the mobile app. In addition, there are various other tools in to customize. Also, automating the various speaking method on the campus.

      5. Online Classes & Remote Teaching

      The Google Meet, Zoom and Big Blue Button application. These are integration with institutes. Therefor, conducting online classes are easier. Also, deliver quality education to students. This empowers students to attend live online classes. 

      6. Timetable management

      The timetable management module provides all academic. And non-academic activities happening in the college. For instance, provides predictable routines for students to follow. The students and teachers can access the timetable from their mobile app. The software provides a master timetable for the principal. Similarly, teacher’s timetable for all teachers.

      7. Human resource management

      The life cycle of a faculty from joining the college to leave. The salary management automated using the module. That is in the human resource management software. Therefore, HRM provides a single place for storing all employee data. In addition, there related information including pay slips. The pay slips can be access by faculty. It’s by logging in to their respective dashboards.

      Human resource management

      Student Modules

      8. Examination management

      This module helps is setting-up exam calendars. In addition, managing the alert. The exam details are further linked to create grade book reports. That for each student. In addition, there is an option. It’s for conduct online exam for students.

      Examination management
      9. ID card generator

      This module allows the design of ID cards. It’s for students and faculty. Also, With minimum setting. The ID cards can generated for each or in bulk. In addition, printed for usage by students and faculties.

      10. Gradebook management

      The college management software generates the grade book. Which can accessed by parents and students. They have separate their own dashboard. However, there are an option to configure the grade book. It’s according to the requirement of the college.

      Gradebook management Services in Dubai

      Other module

      11. Library management

      The library management module takes care. The all activities related to library. Likewise, searching, issuing and tracking of books. The LMS(Library management System) with bar code integration. It is one of the most required modules by colleges.

      12. Inventory management

      This module takes care of the college’s purchase orders. In addition, goods’ invoices and in-house stock management. Similarly, equipment, and other assets tracking. It generates detailed asset reports.

      13. Placement management

      This module helps the colleges to plan and streamline. Similarly, the campus placement activities. You can plan the campus recruitment drive. Also, track applicant status. In addition, provide instant result notify.

      14. Reports

      There will be hundreds of reports available from college management software. To help with various decision-making. This includes the default reports in each module. And the reports that looks as you required. That available from the custom report module.

      How to choose the right college management software for your college?

      How to choose the right college management software for your college?

      You understand the benefits of a College Management System. Then you will be interested to purchase a new College Management System. Otherwise, upgrade from the existing software. That may not be serving you in good way.

      Choose the right College Management System software is important. That should suits the unique system and process of your college.

      1. The first step is to study the software. That used in other colleges like yours. Likewise, Collect information from as many colleges as possible. Then make a list. Also, collect the benefits and challenges faced by these colleges. This will be a good starting point.
      2. To understand the total cost of ownership of the software. Compare it with the next 5-year business plan. How many students will be there in the next 5 years?. Will the college maintain the same student intake. Otherwise, are you planning to grow and expand?. The software price may be dependent on student numbers. Check with your vendor for more details on five-year pricing.
      3. The next step is to understand the features of the software. So check whether it fits with your requirements. This can possible by creating a small panel of faculty. To select and manage the college management system software.
      4. From the above conceptions, You can decide to host the software. Therefor, with present trends, you will most probably choose online.

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